At BlogHer - I walk towards three women talking in a hallway. Elisa reaches out her hand to squeeze mine hello and asks, "Were you here this morning?" I tell her I didn't get here until about 11, and she goes, "Oh, you missed it!" and explains that my quote from the registration survey was one of about fifteen that looped during the intro session. (Apparently, when asked for my blogging goals in the BlogHer registration survey, I wrote that I don't really have any, and that it is really liberating to realize that.)
So I missed my fifteen minutes of fame. But it was nice to hear about it. And can I just say that it never ceases to amaze me how all the BlogHer founders address me by name? They see me once a year, or once every other year, and they know thousands and thousands of bloggers, and still they remember who I am. These people are just incredible.
BlogHer is a thrill. Can you think of another semi-technical conference where you see women with sleeping babies slung over their shoulders? And where everybody is just friendly and supportive and complimenting each other and giving out hugs as freely as business cards?
There's just no vibe like this. Good times. Good times.