After lunch, I came back to the Convention Center and sat downstairs on a sofa, perusing blogs, when the lovely Ms. Grace found me on her way in. Can't wait for her panel tomorrow ... and it was just good to see her. And not just because she brought my socks and chocolate lipgloss. Which means I owe her two margaritas and a chocolate martini.
Now it's on to more panelled goodness: Cyberplace: Online in Offline Spaces -- and Vice Versa is about to start.
The panelists and the tools and sites talked about:
Heath Row, moderating
Dennis Crowley from Dodgeball, the tool that lets you tell your friends where you are, by cell phone text messages
Michael Sharon from Socialight, which lets you annotate the location you are at (I find this very very intriguing)
Scott Heiferman from Meetup, which lets you set up local meetings with like-minded folks.
Molly Wright Steenson from who talks about interaction in architecture.
Platial got a mention.
Molly says something that keeps coming up lately - with all these tools and notes and subscriptions and messages we get to stay in touch, how do we filter out the stuff we don't want? She suggests we might all invest in better filters over the next few years, to cut the noise.
And this panel about tools for online and offline spaces segues ever so nicely into the next one, Designing for Global and Local Social Play ...