Tim Ferriss sends out a 5-bullet Friday newsletter. I am adopting and adapting this into a six or seven string Saturday. Let's try it:
- What I'm listening to: Breakdown, by Prince
- What I'm reading: Gulp, by Mary Roach
- What I'm watching: Arsenio Hall interviewing Prince
- Purchase I'm enjoying: the Pocket Sketchbook I bought here in Cincinnati. Haven't even used it yet, but I love to stare at it.
- Free thing I'm enjoying: the bird of paradise unfolding in front of the house
- Quote I'm pondering: I like to think of my short stories as problems I'm trying to solve, like a math problem, and writing the story is the way by which I arrive at the answer, which is also the story itself. - Carmen Maria Machado
- Great idea I had: let's change the name and colors and subliminal idea of the White House to rainbow