Jane Hamsher writes: "The Revolution Will Be Twittered."
There's absolutely nothing interesting about what the GOP is doing here in Minnesota. The party itself is like an enormous cadaver whose funeral is being held in the Xcel Center, and the wakes thrown by its drunken hedonist powerbrokers bear more than a passing resemblance to Roman vomitoriums.
Not that the Democrats in Denver were much more interesting -- more lifelike, to be certain, as the baton of power and pork passed over to them, but completely staged and lacking in spontaneity nonetheless.
What happened on the streets of St. Paul yesterday was something else altogether. Whereas Denver was the site of young people clutching their blackberries and hustling passes to more and better parties, in St. Paul they were creating a whole new model for communication, documentation and activism.
Members of the Coldsnap legal collective fanned out across the city and communicated with each other (and the world) openly on Twitter about what was happening during the protest, and were thus able to alert and steer journalists, observers and anyone else with an interest immediately to what was happening on the street throughout the day. Nothing that law enforcement did happened in secret, and ACLU lawyers and other observers were able to be quickly alerted to anything that was happening. When we first arrived we started following their bulletins in the wake of the weekend raids, and as more information came in verifying their reports it became clear that they were a highly trustworthy source of information.
Meanwhile, the Uptake provided an army of video journalists with Qik cameras that broadcast live on the internet. You could track their whereabouts on a Google map, and they provided on-the-spot coverage of what was happening in real time. Really, I can't recommend enough going to their main page and taking a look at what they managed to do yesterday. They also provided a lounge where visiting bloggers could have internet and video editing space, and that's where we were headquartered yesterday. We were able to not only hear about what was happening all across the city virtually instantaneously, but see their reporters quickly diverted to anything that was happening and watch as their cameras went into action.
It was like a million ants scurrying around the city, passing back bits of information that formed themselves into a whole in a completely decentralized manner. Its very nature defied efforts to control and spin and propagandize.
My impression from the GOP convention was different. Day 1 provided half a million Dollar instant monetary help for hurricane victims while the convention held their breath watching the storm activity, day 2 showed
Al Gore's choice of VP Lieberman endorsing McCain and asking voters NOT to think with a party tunnel view but as Americans ( never before endorsed a Democrat a Republican - not exciting??) and hey there are two more days to go with Sarah Palin giving her speech. Don't judge premature.
As far as the protests are concerned, they were a bunch of violent bullies like hooligans only present to disturb. What did they protest against? Did they protest against freedom of speech for people who think different? Something is seriously wrong here and it worries me. This is not what I want to be America. Every party should have the right to hold a convention in peace.
Posted by: Munichmaedchen | Sep 03, 2008 at 01:45 PM
Wait, what? Who am I judging prematurely? All I'm doing is quoting a blog entry about how people are using new technologies.
Posted by: Elkit | Sep 04, 2008 at 02:19 PM