Sarah and I were going to make bacon cookies today, but then that didn't seem like such a good idea. Hmmm, let me consider this brilliant plan ... it's 100 degrees out. My house has no air conditioning. Turning on the oven ... smart move? Not so much.
So we rescheduled, and I checked the weather report and ran off to Santa Cruz, where I found a balmy breezy 84 degrees and a thunderstorm. Thunder and lightning! That is so rare in these parts. I don't think I've seen more than half a dozen thunderstorms in all the years I've lived here.
The other thing I found were three women with a table full of baked goods - they were holding a "Hungry for Change" bake sale. I had my own food and drink in my bag (cookies from Whole Foods, and water in a glass bottle from home, in my bleeding-heart liberal canvas tote), but I gladly bought something. I am not an American citizen, so I don't get to vote - at least not with a ballot, so I'm voting with my money, good taxpayer that I am.