I like Elmore Leonard's writing. I love how he writes dialogue, and how matter-of-factly he describes the oddest characters. I am happy he is such a prolific writer - I haven't read nearly all of his stories. A few weeks ago, on the Paperbackswap site, I found an Elmore Leonard novel I had not heard of before: Touch, about a man who can apparently heal people through the laying on of hands, and who displays stigmata. A modern saint? A fraud and con-man? This was rather unlike other Leonard novels, for its religious theme. Don't worry though, Leonard hasn't turned pious. He's just as irreverent and clearheaded as always. This novel, by the way, was written in 1977, but not published until ten years later, because Leonard's publisher didn't know what to do with it. I am glad they finally decided to release it - I really enjoyed it. Made me want to re-read Pagan Babies.