Holy Bat Bacon! Bacon Unwrapped, one of the most delicious blogs around, has me salivating into my keyboard with the menu for a Bacon Dinner in DC Next Week. I may steal some of those for inspiration for The MOB (The Month of Bacon, which I am observing this month.)
I know, I haven't blogged in a couple of days, but except for Saturday, when I forgot, I've had bacon every day:
Sunday at the NaNoWriMo retreat I was one of the breakfast cooks, and Rob, who knows me and my obsessions, smartly put me in charge of cooking three pounds of bacon. No, I didn't eat all of that by myself; we shared it amongst what, 12 of us? I ate two slices, I think.
Monday, after I got back home, I got to see my girlfriends for a birthday dinner. We met at Pizza Antica, and I had the waitress add pancetta to the pizza with spicy fennel sausage, roasted onion, and portobello mushroom.
And there were bacon cookies on Tuesday. I'd promised Hank to bring a few to the blogger meeting, and so I did.
We'll see what's for dinner ...