PAGE: I see. Now what do you say to people who maintain that publicizing these allegations of yours is - well, not in the best interests of this country?
QUARREY: You don't serve your country by sweeping unpleasant facts under the carpet. We're not exactly the most popular nation in the world right now, and my view that we ought to put a stop right away to anything that's apt to make us even less well-liked.
Right on the money, isn't it, the exchange between reporter Page and scientist Quarrey? That's what I thought when I read it last night, so much so that I marked the page (26, for those of you who are counting).
It's from John Brunner's science-fiction novel "The Sheep Look Up". It was first published in 1972, and I am glad to see it in print again. It's just as timely as it was when I first read it.