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Mar 03, 2007



You must spend hours coming up with the titles!

Soldier: cannon fodder
Lipton: tea
Reason: got one?
Terms: of office
Positive: or negative?
Example: learn by
Legacy: leaving no
Solo: Han
Instrument: landing
Later: and later

OK, second batch....

Nude: blushing
Support: bra
Rachel: is mourning her children
Crane: a thousand
Candy bar: bad diet
Material: girl
Mind games: Play
Eviction: notice
Produce: department
Joke: r is wild


> You must spend hours coming up with the titles!

No, no, that'd be cheating - since the whole point is to quickly free-associate. My brain is full of music and quotes, so it's easy. (Trouble is, my brain is full of music and quotes, not leaving any room for useful items. Sigh.)

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