Just got back in from Austin, and before I tuck myself in (assuming, that is, the cats leave me space ... they are staying really close, all three of them), I've gots to do this week's Unconscious Mutterings:
- San Francisco :: Scott McKenzie. Still such a good song!
- Sadness :: depression
- Spirits :: The House of
- Harriet :: Miers
- State :: of Denial
- John :: est mort en plain vol
- Offense :: it's not so bad to get offended once in a while
- Timeless :: eternal
- Account :: responsible
- Refuse :: do you mean reFUSE, or REFuse? Say no, or trash?
San Francisco: Open Your Golden Gates
Sadness: Despair
Spirits: House of
Harriet: does not shave her armpits
State: of Grace
John: Toilet
Offense: is a good defense
Timeless: Without a watch
Account: for your sins
Refuse: garbage
Do you think anyone reads these and makes notes on our psychology based on them?
(God, the ex-Catholic in me came out....)
Posted by: Joel | Mar 19, 2007 at 02:34 PM