I bought a new coffeemaker that I'd seen mentioned in a magazine, and I am absolutely loving it. It is called Aeropress, and appears to be the perfect hybrid between a drip filter and a French press. Sets up easily, works quickly, and makes just the right amount of coffee for one.
Mmmm. caffeine. My second favorite drug, right after sugar.
Mmmm. caffeine. My second favorite drug, right after sugar.
Congrats to the new needle for your second favorite drug.
Posted by: munichmaedchen | Nov 07, 2006 at 06:20 AM
Jessica (fenchurch) had also commented that this thing looks like a huge syringe. Now all I need is a way to plunge it directly into my veins ...
Posted by: Elkit | Nov 07, 2006 at 10:37 AM
Co-worker has one of these since she hates the 'sand' you get at the bottom of your cup with a French Press.
I have not tried her system so my only 'complaint' is the (eventual) purchase of the filter disks.
Posted by: idogcow | Nov 07, 2006 at 04:53 PM
I think they give you 500 filters to start with, and you can reuse them - which I've been doing, and that has worked just fine.
Posted by: Elkit | Nov 07, 2006 at 04:59 PM