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Mar 26, 2006



My husband is drooling. His two favorite things in the world in ONE FOOD!!!!?????

I'm going to have to try these.


Go for it, Kris! Bacon cookies are one of the corner stones of my plan for world domination.
Corrupting the world, one cookie at a time. :-D


i would much like to try these. and it's not the bacon to which i have the aversion, it's the raisins.



Gwendomama! How nice of you to visit! You could always leave the raisins out if you don't like them. I've had a couple of people ask me if the dark bits were chocolate chips ... now there's an idea!


HI there Elke! Now chocolate and bacon...there's something to consider.
I? Am VERY excited because I? Have just ordered all three flavors of bacon salt.


I did too!!!!
Coincidence? I think not ... we may have to have a "salt-off".

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