Chatted with Rich Friday evening and talked him into coming along to see V for Vendetta. (Didn't take any arm-twisting, really.)
I really enjoyed it, although a couple of days later, I find it a bit heavy-handed and, umh, cartoonish. (Which makes sense, considering it is based on a comic. [Yes, I'll say comic instead of graphic novel. Leave me alone with all that euphemistic Newspeak.]) Still ... good flick. I liked John Hurt as the Big Brother Chancellor although I kept getting distracted by his hugely dilated pupils, I liked Ms. Portman as Evey and an actress unknown to me as Valerie, and I very much liked the sets (shot in Babelsberg, hey!) and the design in those stark black and red combinations. Good work, people.
Rich walked out singing "Street Fighting Man" which was playing over the closing credits, while I am still humming the 1812 Overture. (Why is that not listed on the soundtrack? Odd.)
Aak! The pupils! Glad I'm not the only one who lost track of the dialogue as I plunged into the black abyss of those enormous pupils. When not distracted by that, I was busy trying to pin down any consistency in Natty P.'s unconvincing British accent. Also, did you find it hard to understand V's lines because you couldn't see his lips move?
Looking over what I've typed now I've made it seem like I missed the whole movie- but really I MOSTLY knew wut was going on, and I liked it!
Posted by: Em | Mar 19, 2006 at 03:54 PM
I found it hard to follow V's lines because I kept visualizing Agent Smith. :-)
Posted by: Elkit | Mar 19, 2006 at 04:02 PM