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Mar 08, 2006



Okay, missy, since I'm on it, I'll just do your schedule. Thanks for making this easy for me.

Guess what I'll be packin' with me? COCOA LIP BALM! and SOCKS! I'll exchange these for one margarita.


Don't sell yourself short! The socks are worth a margarita apiece, and the lip gloss merits a chocolate martini. See you Friday night!


sigh - some of the topics sound like I really want to attend. Have fun!! I will hold down the fort (fork?) in Cupertino.


I am highly envious. So much good talk! Austin! So many fine people! Please drink at least one chocolate martini for me. (Aren't those things GOOD?!)

Don't forget to blog.

Tara Watson

Have fun in Austin! I lived there for 25 years! See if you can feel the Tara vibe!!!! Eat Tex-Mex for me and I hope you packed cool and comfy clothes cuz' it's gonna be hot!


Mary, how about a margarita instead? I'm not so big on martinis, chocolate or no (I just figured that was the proper drink to trade for my chocolate lipgloss that I'd left behind at WoolfCamp).
Tara: I already had some great Tex-Mex (at Güero's), and I'm sure there will be more. 25 years in Austin? Why ever did you leave such a cool town? Oh, i know! You sacrificed yourself for us, so we could get the Tara vibe in California too.

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