Got all signed up and badged Friday afternoon and got my bag o' shwag, hung around the registrants lounge for a while, perusing the directory, which was a good thing, because I discovered that there's an interview with Henry Rollins on Sunday.
Wandered down the street in search of a drink and a snack, and see this woman come towards me, and I say, "Hey, aren't you Eris?" She looks at me a bit puzzled and says yes. I assure her that I'm not a stalker by explaining that I know her from pictures on Flickr, and I am friends with her friend Buzz. "Buzz?!" says Eris. "I'm just going to meet him."
So I tagged along to the Iron Cactus, where about a dozen other SXSWi'ers showed up, thanks to the wonders of Dodgeball.