Happily ensconced at WoolfCamplet at Squid's house, glad to see my fellow campers Grace and Mary and Jen and Em and Liz and Jo and Squid of course, and thrilled to meet Ep and Jon. Jo raises the question of Memoir Writing. Why indeed do we write? And why so publicly? I know I am not contented to write offline any more. Why that is, I can't really say.
On a sorta related side note, Rich and I were talking about blogs last week, as I reported from SXSW. One of the panels on surveys mentioned that the most widely read blogs are the personal blogs. And I pointed out to Rich that the term "personal blogger" seems derogatory, especially in the media, and how Dooce got described not as a "personal blogger", but an "IDENTITY blogger". Rich responded that he considers himself a memoir blogger.