Another thing I said to Hank about his upcoming trip to New York was that if he runs into Joe Bob Briggs, to tell him that I love him very much and I miss him terribly.
Miss him so terribly, in fact, that I stopped by his web site today .... and what did I find? A note that "All That You Love Will Be Carried Away" is available online again. I'd been wanting to see that ever since I heard about it - it's a short movie (about 25 minutes) that played at several film festivals, but I didn't think I would ever come across it anywhere. Thanks for the link, Joe Bob!
I'd found the short story it is based on (in Stephen King's short story collection "Everything's Eventual"), read it a month or two ago, and liked it very much - the ending infuriated me, but I loved it too. I won't tell you why - just watch or read it yourself.
Anyway, I downloaded the file and watched it just now, and am almost not ashamed to admit that Joe Bob made me cry.