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Jan 01, 2006



Elkit, if you need a breather or a palate cleanser of sorts, I highly recommend Persepolis, the memoir in graphic novel form (and in two parts), by Marjane Satrapi. It's wonderfully honest, the drawings are lovely and whimsical and clever and moving, and it's a unique insight into the life of a progressive girl in Iran during the Revolution.

Best of luck. This is a wonderful thing to do. I'm jealous because I know that I'll be lucky to get my mind to shut up long enough to read 10 books!


It sounded so good when I read about it on your blog that I already made a note of it, as well as of A Million Little Pieces. That one hadn't sounded interesting to me at all when I first heard about it, but your description gave me second thoughts ... you might well find it in my list soon. Do let me know what else I should read!

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