The dozenth post of my blogathonny goodness. And there's still time to sponsor your favorite blogger, like me! (You have to register/sign in first - here's how that works.)
These roses (some of my favorite pictures taken by other flickrites) are just a little thank you for everybody who's part of the Blogathon - the team, the 223 bloggers, and the 1471 sponsors who have come together to raise a total of $43,414,95 for charity so far.
Think we can make it to $50,000?
These roses (some of my favorite pictures taken by other flickrites) are just a little thank you for everybody who's part of the Blogathon - the team, the 223 bloggers, and the 1471 sponsors who have come together to raise a total of $43,414,95 for charity so far.
Think we can make it to $50,000?