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Jun 20, 2005


Dave Goodman

Seems to me that no matter what you do or write about, some people will like it, and some will not. I start by only writing about things that interest me. I don't write something to please my audience if it doesn't please me. On the other hand, I do know to some extent what readers of my blog are looking for and what they expect, and I respect that. It doesn't make sense to me to maintain a family-friendly blog for month after month, and then suddenly and without warning post something offensive. I take my audience into account, with my own place in that audience foremost.

Elke Sisco

Good point; I guess I do the same thing; I do write about the same kinds of things, and don't switch styles and topics too wildlt. I also don't post anything that I wouldn't say out loud in a crowded place. Which, fortunately, still leaves lotsa room for silliness. :-)

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