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May 20, 2005


Buzz Andersen

Whoops--I guess I forgot I had seen this before on your site. Oh well, thanks for doing it again!


My pleasure. :-)


Brutal Youth is a great album. It's one of my favorites, too. I always loved Elvis best when he just kicked up the tempo and sang like a thug--Big Tears, being one of my all time favorite Elvis songs.

Plus, I love to hear him play his electric guitar, which he never, ever does enough of. He's really a hell of a guitar player.

He does a couple of understated tunes on Brutal Youth which are fantastic. "You Tripped At Every Step" and "Clown Strike" come to mind. "Rocking Horse Road" is gorgeous.

"You Tripped At Every Steps" also reminds me of a theory I've had for a long time--do you think Elvis has a shoe or a foot fetish? I mean, go through his albums--there are a ton of songs about shoes and steps.

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