I am behind with my poetry postings. As with a lot of other things. Listening to The Verve Pipe's "Freshmen" and The Cure's "Same Deep Water As You" puts me in a Plath mood:
Sheep In Fog
The hills step off into whiteness.
People or stars
Regard me sadly, I disappoint them.
The train leaves a line of breath.
O slow
Horse, colour of rust,
Hoove, dolorous bells -
All morning the
Morning has been blackening.
A flower left out
My bones hold a stillness, the far
Fields melt my heart.
They threaten
To let me straight through to a heaven
Starless and fatherless, a dark water.
_____Sylvia Plath
What I really felt like quoting was the "Three Women", but it's too long to fit in here comfortably. Do click on the link to read it - it's one of the Plath pieces I that moves me most. ("Favorite" is just not a fitting word here.)