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Feb 08, 2004



LOL! "sidling up to the tellers"??
"I can't imagine what you mean, officer! This nice cow and I were just talking...really!"


Did you have to milk a cow, too, when you married, Elke? I didn't. This must be a non Bavarian tradition. I had to saw wood though :-)

Elke Sisco

No, I didn't have to milk a cow. But I didn't get married in Germany, I got married right here. Sunnyvale, actually.


I never knew you were married!
But I popped into the comment box to say...
thatis one awful song BTW ;)

Elke Sisco

That was so long ago, it's not even true anymore. :^)


Ah, I see.
That explains things then. Job still going well?

Elke Sisco

I'm loving every minute. I found a good new home. Everything is good in Elke-land. :-)

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