... is Pico at writesofnight.net. She reviews:
Haruki Murakami, A Wild Sheep Chase
"Let's go looking for that sheep," she said, eyes closed. "Once we get to looking for that sheep, things'll fall into place."
So speaks the ear model girlfriend of the protagonist, and so it is that they set off across Japan to find the sheep with a star on its back that mysteriously appeared in the set of photographs he used on an advertising job and in which a rich and powerful man is extremely interested. Things do fall into place. And then, just as quickly, they fall back out again. Such is life when you set out to look for a sheep. Anything can happen. You may meet the Sheep Man, whodoesntputanyspaceorpunctuationinhisutterances. You may stay at the eerie Dolphin hotel, do all your own cooking, learn the history of Junitaki Township, track down your long-dead friend the Rat, name your cat Kipper, and/or even find the sheep you are looking for. Your mileage may vary. You just never know.
... and if you buy the book through the link on Pico's page, she'll donate her Amazon.com affiliate commission to the National Center for Family Literacy.
All kinds of neat stuff going on in Blogistan.
Music of the Moment (on the telly): "Nod Your Head/Men in Black" by Will Smith